Thank you, so much!
My naughty daughter asked- ‘Dad, which day is today? Which Nepali date is today? Do you think today is some thing special?’ she was considering me as a careless guy- “lethargic dad, even don’t know own birthday!”
What goes in mind of a person at their Birth Day?
Observing growing “birth day” culture, this question disturbs me time to time.
Some 48 years ago on May 30th while I came to this earth, what my parents had dreamt about me? This question I never got chance to ask with my mum, because I left her at the age of 5 and stayed with her mother, my maternal granny. Nor I dared to ask my dad, because we hardly communicate each other. I was hesitant to talk with my dad and dad too, shy to exchange dialogue with me. It was typical social behaviour of villagers of those times in Nepal. I still remember my maternal grandma, who nourished me to grow, had chuckled as saying- “I would perhaps die before witnessing lovely conversation between these two- the father & the son!”
Granny’s doubt turned to true unfortunately! Shockingly, 18 years back I lost my mum, despite sharing sufficiently our feelings and just 14 months back dad passed away abruptly- unexpectedly! Unfortunately, at both moments, I was away while they were breathing last time!
Just one day before my mum died, I had brief conversation over phone to inform her that I was visiting her the next day! Pitifully, at a time when reached, her dead body was waiting for my arrival. I threw a look to gloomy face of my dad, who was just greying; tried to comfort to the yelling younger sister and eldest sister, who is 7 years older than me. Then next question had strike me- did my mum could able to spare her last moment remembering me? What was her worthwhile message to me?
Prior to search convincing answer to this question, I lost my dad. My cousins who were together with my dad at his final stage, I asked same question- how did dad remember me while he was breathing last time?
“Idiot politicians!” such criticism against a political worker like me is common in our society. A bitter fact always disturbs me- our parents who even lost single chance to meet their siblings at their last stage, whether our society acknowledged their dedication as a social contribution?
In a birthday at matured age, a person perhaps think- “How the people valued me? How many more years my life will be lingered on?! Greying age … more desire to survive! However, the relevancy is Negligible; an irritant character- the old guy, just repeating again and again the past days, nothing new! No future dream, neither any plans! Just thinking single prototype question- how the person value me? How much I am superior than the comparable one? So on and so forth…
My citizenship card tells- from this May 30, I completed half century; however if I base on my parents record, today onward I touched the age 49! Early in the morning while I was outing from home, I was expecting let fort the birthday! The reason, I have celebrate birthday never ever!
But the face book- pals reminded me repeatedly wishing – “Happy B’ Day Bro!” Over 300 through the face book and some from phone and sms I enjoyed their best wishes. Many Nepalis and some the internationals wished my so warmly.
While I was stepping inn into the house, my naughty daughter asked- ‘Dad, which day is today? Which Nepali Day is today? Do you think today is some thing special?’ she was considering me as a careless guy- “lethargic dad, even don’t know own birthday!” However, I was making her, fact was, I was not celebrating it! Moreover I didn’t feel any necessity to celebrate it! Before I replied her, she yelled – Happy Birth Day! My son joined his sister, and joined there my cousins and other family members- Happy Birth Day man!
Thank you colleagues for your kindness and best wishes!
Thank you very much my dear family member!
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