June 24th, 2010
We thought our engine- the global trade union body won’t be effective as- it- is to cope the looming great crisis in near future. Thus, we created our very own ITUC, claiming that it is neither mere merger of two international trade union bodies nor the “United Nation” of all trade unions! It is a new trade union movement, which will garner solidarity to the comrades in difficulty and mobilise a strong peoples’ movement challenging all odds everywhere from east to west or north to south; which will say Rascal-Out and make history to the cold-war legacy from our movement. We declared that a new history has began- as a new dawn in the labour movement, where there will be sufficient access of the working people in the decision making bodies from the developing world as well!
President, General Secretary,
Vice presidents, deputy general secretaries
Comrades, colleagues, friends, sisters and brothers!
I have brought message of solidarity of 11.18 millions workforce of my country which is popularly known as the country of Mt Everest! The birthplace of world famous ambassador of peace- our very own Gautama Buddha!
Since last decade however, such a precious identity was overshadowed by a cycle of violence! A new signature- a country of rebellion has been imposed over our beloved country.
I am from the same country where about 700 Nepalis, out of 36.7% unemployed, left Nepal everyday in a search of better job; whereas at home their relatives received on an average 7 dead bodies each day.
“Now the people…” I relate this very theme brother General Secretary remembering those families whose dearest one has lost lives already and many of those who may loose their precious life anytime now—in a process of producing wealth for those filthy dudes who always consumes a lot but works never!
My country is passing through a painful process of transition, transformation to the new horizon and anarchy & regression both are half-half possible in present context. Beyond the global crisis, we are surviving with a deadly local crisis and struggling enough to find out every possible way towards social justice.
“Workers friendly Constitution- Social Security for all workers and Fully-fledged democracy” we have made Mantras of social justice.
In this light, I endorse the resolution of Congress, Now the People, from the crisis to global justice and let me congratulate Comrade General Secretary for this excellent work. Bro Guy GEFONT will remember your wonderful efforts to unify world trade union movement forever!
When we were launching ITUC, we had realised that the Centralised economic model of Soviet Era didn’t work and the so-call capital’s globalisation produced worst either! We have to change the tide of present days Casino Capitalism, which is just an indicative economy not the real one. It has widened gaps between those who toil and those who only consumed!
We thought our engine- the global trade union body won’t be effective as- it- is to cope the looming great crisis in near future. Thus, we created our very own ITUC, claiming that it is neither mere merger of two international trade union bodies nor the “United Nation” of all trade unions! It is a new trade union movement, which will garner solidarity to the comrades in difficulty and mobilise a strong peoples’ movement challenging all odds everywhere from east to west or north to south; which will say Rascal-Out and make history to the cold-war legacy from our movement. We declared that a new history has began- as a new dawn in the labour movement, where there will be sufficient access of the working people in the decision making bodies from the developing world as well!
Four years since, we have travelled our journey with ups and some downs. If my way of thinking makes any sense comrades, let us revisit our young past, how far we have been able to come forward after creation of ITUC?
I have no doubt on our efforts, however it is my worry- how can I believe those hard fact, which hardly reciprocates with our manifestation-effects!
There is a famous quote in my country- taajaa prasna ko baasi uttar or outdated solutions for fresh challenges! No doubt we are facing series of fresh challenges- however, if we try to satisfy ourselves with outdated traditional rhetoric- it will never-ever work, I am sure!
Our leadership composition, documents & policies, our activities and the outcomes are the complete package of solution in this regard. If these all are frozen at status quo, then it is too hard to prove that we have had Change!
We have to dare to change the course! We have to base ourselves on young; experienced at driving seat and the old guards- let them put at the helm of experience sharing!
Is it possible comrades? If it is possible, transformation from the crisis to global justice is not only inevitable- very much possible!
Time has come- let us chart a strategy as per the demands of the day!
Prior to Copenhagen Summit on Climate change, the Govt of Nepal had hold a Cabinet meeting at the base of Mt. Everest to draw attention of world. President, in similar fashion I have one proposal to hoist ITUC flag at the Highest peak of the world. With no cost, my union- GEFONT is ready to shoulder this responsibility. We will carry ITUC flag to the top of Himalaya on March 2011, if the Congress agrees!
Thank you all for listening me!
Bishnu Rimal
Vancouver, Canada; June 23, 2010
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