November 14th, 2009
A wave of radical change of the society has surged in Nepal after establishment of Loktantra. Institutionalisation of Newly-born Loktantra and pushing aside all kinds of hurdles in the process are the major responsibility in this transitional phase.
It is possible only through the democratisation of our society, which no way means just shift of political power. The need is to restructure State, political parties and entire organisations of Civil Society.
Trade Union movement is a broad-based movement with in civil society organisations. It represents fundamental campaign of class-based organisation which aims to transform society. Thus, it is necessary to restructure as well the trade union movement in Loktantra.
1. Existing tradition and different exercises in Trade Union movement
Division and fragmentation is also the reality in Nepali trade union movement. This division has two-fold adverse effects. First- high union density, multi-unions and unhealthy competition among each other in traditionally organised enterprises; Second- low union density and poor unionisation in vast agricultural and non-agricultural informal economy. This demonstrates the reality why the unions fail to raise collectively the voice of nearly 4.5 millions wage-workers in Nepal.
In Nepal different types of workers organisations are active in manufacturing, service and agricultural sectors both in formal and informal economy. By exercise we have tradition of trade unions such as -“Each Party, One Union”, “All party FRONT of Trade Unions” and apolitical or politically indifference professional groupings. Within the practices, some are in the existence just as the “labour wing of political parties”.
Originally three trade union confederations- GEFONT, NTUC and DECONT were recognised as trade union centres under the Trade Union Act- 1992, in post-Loktantrik period few others, specially Maoist ANFTU are now enjoying similar political recognition. Employees associations active with in the Professional Alliance for Peace and Democracy (PAPAD) are functioning under the National Directive Acts and similar types of other acts. CoNEP affiliates are recognised as per both sets of these acts.
Experience shows- the exercise of “Each party, one union” has limited unionism in a narrow domain. Because of partisan prejudices, the exemplary gains achieved by some of the trade unions have been even overshadowed so far. Antagonising very spirit of the working people “Unite” there has always been a permanent line of division in the trade union movement.
“Frontal Unions” naturally rest as a ‘directionless’ movement; workers have been misused to follow party-directives no matter that was politically motivated or the apolitical one. Further, ‘game-plan’ such as to capture major post of leadership “citing patron-parties strength” has been instigated. Sad to spell out here, many “unions” in existence as the ‘political groupings’ are just limited to the ‘cosmetic organ’ of concerned political parties.
In new Loktantra, we have to review our past citing pros & cons of all above mentioned trends & exercises in order to launch a genuine and powerful trade union movement. We all perhaps agree that now time has come to create a truly new ‘ONE Union’ in Nepal which stands in absolute ground of NEW value & principle and would be considered as a sole recognised body of Nepali working masses by the State and the International Community.
2. Goal, ideal, values and principle of New Single Trade Union
The Goal of New Loktantrik union should be launching of a One Union in near future. Its ideal should be the establishment of a society based on equity & social justice, where working class will enjoy decent work with full dignity. The gap between ‘haves and haves not’ will be narrowed to the maximum possible extent. New Single Union will be Independent, Dynamic, pluralistic and Loktantrik. All unions will be accommodated based on these Values and Principles. This Union will maintain mutual trust among the partner unions irrespective of their origin of trend and political/ideological affiliation. There will no rooms for Supremacy of “BIG” unions and nor the “SMALL” unions will feel any embarrassment.
3. Structure of New Single Union
The departure point to launch Single union should be creation of union umbrella by the proportionate representation of existing unions. Proportion may be determined by the membership of the unions verified by the Nation-wide election. The position of partner unions in National Executive Board will be assigned proportionately based on VOTE secured by respective unions. The union which secures that much vote necessary to represent one representative in the Board may set as a Standard to recognise the potential partners. This may slowly however surely minimise mutual antagonism of the partners and would pave a way towards Real Single Union. Similar method may apply to the Industrial Federations and geographical regions. The New Industrial Federations will be developed in the line of industrial unionism instead of present day’s ‘enterprise-unionism’. The existing affiliates of existing Confederations will be restructured accordingly.
Thus, in Enterprise level as well, ongoing practice will need ‘little” reform. Authentic union for CBA will be elected by the local level election and runner-up unions will secure their presence proportionately based on their verified membership in respective enterprises.
4. Political, ideological and Party affiliation of New Single Union
New single union will be class-based Loktantrik National Trade Union Umbrella. Principally it will back “Inclusive-participatory” Loktantra. ‘By the workers- For the worker- To the workers’, it will advocate social system based on social justice and equity. Trade Union Movement should have similar recognition & emphasis as of other two social partners- government and employers, since it is a broad mass-based organisation.
New single union expects direct association with Politics instead of following traditional practice of “Each party-One Union” or “Patron– Patroness relation” or the platform as the all party Front. It will demand true “partnership” with political parties having similar values & principle. It will support parties based on merits irrespective of their position as the ruling or the opposition and will differ- warn-condemn-oppose on their demerits. New trade union will always stick on its mission, thus it will not demonstrate immaturity either opposing ruling party and supporting opposition; or show its support to the ruling and indifference towards the opposition.
However, New Single union may guarantee members’ individual right to choose ideology on their own and support any party in their choice.
5. Interim management in transition
Prior to the election of New Single Union, it may be suggested to create a Trade Union Coordination Committee for interim management. The interim executive committee may be comprised with leadership of existing union centres in agreed formula who generally accept values and principle of New Single Union Umbrella.
Initial process of creating Umbrella union may be completed by the Nation-wide election; which will ultimately replace interim Trade Union Coordination Committee by the new elected Committee. In a due course of time, these unions may merge in wider confederation and we may meet our goal of creating a One Union. Let’s think; and contribute what ever we can!